Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macroeconomics: Discussion Questions

In the aspect of macroeconomics, economists measure and evaluate the current condition and characteristics of a certain region’s economy based on the production ability and condition of the said population. This economic production value is summarized under the computation of the Gross Domestic Product of said the region. GDP is mainly the summary of the value added at every stage of production of all final goods produced by the subject region in a given period of time. Its computation include the total consumption of the population of the said region added with the gross investment of the private sector at the given period and the total money value of the government spending thus, summarizing the total production output of all the sectors in the society. In particular, the computation of GDP only includes the final goods and services for a particular year. This does not include the value of stocks and used goods that are bought and sold. This is mainly because the value of the said goods have already been included during the particular period on which they are originally produced thus, the second term of their usage are not being considered as this would only result to redundancy in the computation. Thus, to come up with the proper and effective measurement of GDP value, goods are only measured during the period that they were originally produced at that particular period of time. Regarding the aspect of contribution towards the GDP value of the involved region, the business firms in particular have a significant influence to the generation of the GDP of their region. Business firms are considered to be in the private sector of the business economy and their gross investment or capital becomes their contributory value towards the GDP generation. For them to affect positively the GDP value of their economy, they can increase their gross investment value towards the economy such as expanding their operation or increasing their production at the period being considered. Through which, they can effectively increase the value of GDP in their region characterizing the growth in their economy. 2. Define consumption and MPC. What is your MPC has it increased or decreased through time? Another important element in the computation of GDP is the value of public consumption generated by the spending characteristics of the population. This is mainly the gross money value generated by the financial and economic transaction such as producing, buying, and selling of the population in the given period. Intuitively, higher consumption requires higher income for the population for them to have the financially capability to buy goods in the market. Increased in the consumption through this added with the increase in the production of goods being sold in the market would result to higher GDP for the subject region. An important concern in evaluating the consumption value is the MPC or the Gross Propensity to Consume. This is mainly the proportion in the aggregate raise added in the income level of an individual or the population in general, which is added to his or her ability to consume as opposed to savings. Considering this value, the increase in MPC would be affected by the current condition of the economy and the decision of the person on whether to save or consume the additional value to his or her income. 1. How has business cycle impacted you and/or a business you have information about? How do changes in price level and production (real GDP) might have an affect on you or a business? The business cycle is generally considered to be a natural occurrence affecting the condition and characteristic of the business firm. This is mainly the event of the upward and downward growth trend in the business, which are cyclical in nature affected by the several factors internally and externally. This cycle is characterized by periods of trough, recovery, peak and recession reflected upon its value of real output. Included in the factors influencing this cycle are the price level and production level in a given period of their economy. Generally, increase in price level would likewise affect the profit level of the business, as they would generate more revenue from selling their production. On the other hand, the current production level will likewise affect the business wherein a high level of GDP would likely result to lower prices due to the surplus of products circulating in the market. The low price level would in turn, affect the business with the reduction of their income and profit level. 2. Assume that you are a business owner and looking into future, you want implement a long-term plan to expand your business what are the macroeconomics variable you will appraise to make an effective and successful business expansion? In developing a long-term expansion plan for a business organization, it is important to consider the macroeconomic variables that are influential in the business operation. In the expansion plan, it is important to consider the future possibilities of the society in which the business plan to conduct their operation. The macroeconomic variables such as the current production and price level trends are important in this plan as they would general affect the profit generation of the business. Projecting an increase in the price level would likely result to higher income for the production operation as they would generate more revenue in selling their goods thus, expanding operation during this condition can be beneficial. On the other hand, if the production level of the business’s product is high then it is likely that the good will have a surplus in the market thus, lowering their value in the market. This condition indeed would not be much ideally for the organization. Indeed, analyzing the current condition of the market is important for the expansion, as this will determine the ideal and effective moment for the organization’s plan. 3. Put the hat of a Keynesian economist on and convince your classmates why Keynesian economics polices are effective to control inflation and unemployment in the economy. The Keynesian economics is mainly characterized by its mixed value towards the state and private sector towards the development of the social economy. In this aspect, combining the gross production ability of the state and the private sector through developing strategies to equally maximize their output will effectively benefit the social economic condition. In particular, the Keynesian economic principles are effective in controlling the inflation and unemployment problems in the economy. Through encouraging greater investment and lesser savings, business organizations will be encourage to expand their operation thus, generating more jobs for the public. With this, production level will also likely increase thus, increasing the available goods in the market. In this condition, price level would likely decrease due to the surplus of economic goods thus, negating the negative factors of inflation in the subject regions’ economy. Bibliography McConnell, Campbell R. & Brue, Stanley L. (2006). Macroeconomics. McGraw-Hill/ Irwin

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Integrated Patrol v. Traditional Policing Essay

1. The 14-month results are impressive. What are the major factors for this success The protocol that Chief G is trying to implement with his police force is called intergrated patrol. How does this approach compare to the traditional model of law enforcement? The integrated patrol strategy brings a community-oriented concept of policing into play, which crime prevention and reduction efforts are applied in larger areas, rather than focusing specifically on a group of people within a particular location. The integrated patrol strategy, also calls for more enhanced investigative procedures. It also stresses the importance of information sharing between agencies. This is proven to aid in effective solutions to solving crimes and track trends and patterns. As a result these stratigiesto strengthen relationships between agencies.. In comparision the traditional enforcement strategy responded to crime after the fact, and only concentrated on a certain situation or crime. The traditional strategy is lacking when it comes to creating more organized and strategic plans for the force excercising it.The strategic planning is vital in stating the overall police mission. You might look at integrated patrol as a one team, one fight’ concept. While the traditional way of doing things, is every man for himself, point of view. Resistance in this situation will most likely come from Sam. He has worked for the force for 26 years. He started as a beat cop and has earned his way to the position he currently holds. He believes in hionesty,fairness, and putting in your time toi earn your stripes. Respect from Sam must be earned not given on first intrioduction automatically. Seeing as how Sam has spent 26 years of his life working his way to the position he holds now it is likely to assume that he wouldn’t appreciate someone brand new to the force being out into a position of any kind of his level without first earning it. So Sam will have a natural resistance to letting any other officers investigate becauser her believes again that you have to earn the right to be an investigater.We can overcome Sam’s personal conflicts with the ideals we want to set forth by reassuring him that he heads that department and the descision on who will be investigating will still ultimately be his. As well as the fact he should be told this is a trial and if it is not to work out then no harm no foul. The least resisitance in this scenario I believe will be coming from Peter. I believe he isn’t trying to throw up any kind of resistance at all. His  main number one goal it seems to me is to have an copasetic well organized and well operating force as well as. He is smart enough to know that resistance against this idea from chief would not change the courser of action that the chief would require him to start on but just cause conflict and possible demerrits for him. He welcomes this change and looks ahead to start the trial with a positive and hopeful attitude that this new intergrated patrol will succeed with their force just as it did with the experiment force they tested it with.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Terrorism - Essay Example Terrorism There are various factors which motivate terrorist groups to embark on violent missions towards innocent civilians. To begin with, revenge is one of the key motivations especially by a community which has suffered real or perceived injustices under an administration or a dominant society. For example, the US foreign policy towards the Arab countries in the Middle East has been perceived by terrorists as harsh towards people of Islamic faith (Hoffman, 2003). The country, being a super power, has in the past engaged its military in violent warfare in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq among others which has been viewed by critics as a show of disrespect on the sovereignty of these Muslim nations. Consequently, movements such as the Al-Qaida are a culmination of such thought, which has planted the seed of hatred towards the Americans in general. It is for this reason among others that the US has continued to fall prey to terrorist attacks such as those of September 11, 2001, among others such as the twin bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 whereby more than 200 people lost their lives (Hoffman, 2003). It may be interesting to find that Osama bin Laden was once an ally of the US during the fight against the Soviet Union’s invasion in Afghanistan but the American government did the mistake of invading Iraq during its war with Kuwait instead of letting the Arab nations find a solution for themselves. According to Osama, this indicated that the US did not have respect for the Muslim community and therefore had to be punished by declaring Jihad against it (Abbas, 2004). The need for revenge has led to formation of other terrorist groups such as the Black September Organization. The motivation behind the formation of this organization was to punish the then King Hussein of Jordan, who commissioned the killing and forced eviction of Palestinians by his army in 1970. The organization conducted series of attacks including that of the Mun ich massacre in 1972, which was supposed to make the world know of the plight of the Palestinians. They also hijacked aero planes for example the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) flight in September 1970 from which they freed the hostages and then blew it up in the full glare of the media (David, 2007). From this perspective, it may also be true to say that terrorism may also arise as a violent way of communication. This is due to the fact that most of the terrorists after committing an attack, they usually send signals through the media indicating their involvement and the reasons as to why they have taken such an action. The Islamic Jihad Union for example has constantly made it clear through the media that they are opposed to American’s interference with the affairs of the Arab world and to drive the point home, series of attacks have been directed at the US both as a revenge and a show of discontent (National Counter Terrorism Center, 2011). Violent communicati on in this context has been as a result of under reporting or not reporting at all the plight of marginalized groups and communities. The media has been noted as always being ready to report events that are of great magnitude especially those involving violence and giving little attention to these

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ted Bundy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ted Bundy - Case Study Example In his tender age, he understood that his biological mother was his sister. That is when they were staying in Philadelphia. With his mother whom he never knew as a mother but a sister, they later moved to Talcom, Washington with their relatives. Their last family name was later changed to Nelson. He was afterward adopted by Jonny Bundy. In high school and in college, he knew about himself as a bad boy and moved on to use this character as his stronghold. His bad characters were influenced by pictures that only reflected sex and violence. These pictures were mainly from the celebrities that were very well known to him. According to trusted sources, he had already committed several crimes before he finished high school. The crimes committed by then were like shoplifting and other petty crimes. It, therefore, underlines the foundation of his criminal activities. After he had graduated from the Woodrow Wilson high school, he proceeded to the University of Washington. During his stay at the university, he volunteered at Seattle’s Suicide hotline. He, therefore, learnt a lot and got a high experience on suicide and death. He later had a relationship with Stephen Brooks, who was strange and acted in an unfamiliar character. On learning about her, Ted was not well pleased. He was greatly affected when their relationship eventually ended. Ted Bundy lived a life that saw other people die in his hand. He was prevalent and gorgeous. His talk was very nice, and he could cheat people especially women and fall to his trap. He used to move in his car in popular women places and say a word to them. He could then ask them to escort him to his car. On the way, he could remove an iron tool and crash them in secret. Then he used to rape those women in cold blood. To get attracted to this women he used to pretend that his hand had an injury or he was a disabled man. These women could be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Police Brutality. Is it increasing Is the Media Making It more then it Research Paper

Police Brutality. Is it increasing Is the Media Making It more then it is - Research Paper Example Several injuries and deaths have been recorded by the use of police powers in the form of chemical sprays, restraints, electro shock, dogs, and guns etc. More over a term â€Å"POLICE BRUTALITY† is best used to explain the above mentioned acts. It can be defined more precisely as: â€Å"Police brutality is the ill or irresponsible use of excessive force, usually physical, but potentially in the form of verbal attacks and psychological threatening by a police officer or police† (Dudley, 1991) The term â€Å"Police brutality† was coined 1st time in 1893 in THE NEW YORK TIMES, described an incident of beating of a civilian by a police officer. Modern police system was based on the developments in 17th and 18th century in France (Dudley, 1991) Brutality cases’ were seemed to be raised with labor strikes, such as â€Å"steel strike 1919†, â€Å"Great Railroad Strike 1877†, â€Å"Pullman Strike 1894† etc. (Rofleff, 1999). It is important to note that, it is understood that police brutality targets people, belonging to a less effective, powerless groups like (poor, disabled etc.). Police brutality has its root in many countries. Police brutality includes acts like (Racial Profiling, political repression, sexual abuse, false arrest etc.). In Indonesia, police targets Islamic extremists; they are either killed or captured. On august 30th 2010, police officers in Central Sulawesi province opened fire into a crowd of people which was claiming and protesting against the local man’s death, 34 people were injured and 5 killed (Rofleff, 1999). In People’s Republic of China, several â€Å"police harassment cases† have been reported by foreign journalists. In Russia, it is claimed by the Human Rights activists that â€Å"tortured techniques are used by police to gather false or wrong information from the arresters etc. There are mainly two reasons, 1st is concerned with individual’s acts (psychologica l state) and 2nd is dealt with the system and organizational practices of the police departments. Police brutality is greatly concerned with the approach one individual has, that is it is mostly done by the bad officers or cops who are likely to use powers over others or one who wants to suppress others on behalf of powers. It is also a justified argument that police work does attract those individuals who are fond of use of powers and to threat others. Researchers develop basically 5 unique types of officers, which are: â€Å"personality disorders, previous traumatic job-related experience, young inexperience and macho officers, officers with personal problems and officers who are not perfect with their patrol styles† (Gerdes, 2004). Some examples like personal disrespect that is when officers are disrespected by anyone. The officers annoys and to please his ego he can do something which is a crime in front of law , also there is a situation of racial profiling, so the offic er is likely to charge crimes on individual of particular class or race wrongly which is counted as brutality (Dudley, 1991). On the other hand system and organization has its own impact, it is assumed or theorized that excessive powers’ use by some officers is being taught by the more higher or experienced officers to the younger ones. Some young police officers when enter the force comes in direct link with group of officers and experience a re-socialization process. Many officers think that their training is just a â€Å"

Scientific American article about cholesterol Essay

Scientific American article about cholesterol - Essay Example s because, in the past, people used to think that altering the level of any of this would have an impact on the overall outcome on heart attacks occurrence and risk. After research, it was found out that lowering the levels of low density lipoproteins in the body had did not decrease the risk of one getting strokes or heart attack. The study also found out that increasing the levels of high density lipoproteins is not cardio-protective from heart attacks or the occurrence of strokes2. In as much as studies have been made on many causes of heart attack or stroke, people had believed that it was possible to lower the levels of low density lipoproteins to high density lipoproteins and improve one’s risks of getting heart attack or stroke. These research opened the eyes of many people especially doctors, since they were the ones dispensing drugs to convert low density lipoproteins to high density lipoproteins in order to achieve good cholesterol levels in the body. This research hence brought light to the people. From the study, giving of drugs that convert LDL to HDL may bring controversy. In the past, HDL was believed to be a transporter of cholesterol from the arteries to the liver. Low density lipoprotein in turn takes cholesterol from other places and deposits it to the arterial walls. Hence HDL is regarded as the good cholesterol and the LDL the bad cholesterol. LDL usually increases the risk of one developing blood clots since they can results to the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. More research will have to be done to ascertain other causes of heart attack or stroke other than these lipoproteins3. Many questions still remain to be answered. After finding out that there is no relationship between the risk of heart attack or stroke with HDL or LDL. More research still has to be done on the risk of heart attack or stroke. These days, more studies have been used to deduce other causes predisposing people to get heart conditions. Research is still made on

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sea Ice Trends Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sea Ice Trends - Term Paper Example With the Arctic ice melting at an unprecedented pace in the Northern Hemisphere, the ocean waters absorb most of the sun’s energy and this explains why the global average sea levels are increasing. It is an interesting fact the while the sea ice extent in the Northern Hemisphere has been below average in the recent years, sea ice extent has been above average for Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere (Daniel). In the same report is it mentioned that the Arctic sea ice extent in the Northern Hemisphere as of June 20, 2012 melt at a faster rate than it did during the same time back in 2007. The differing sea ice trends in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere present a troubling situation as majority of the Earth’s population lives in the Northern Hemisphere where the area covered by ice is already smaller as compared to latter. Arctic sea ice covers about 14-16 million square kilometers in contrast to 17-20 million square kilometers in the Southern Ocean (Daniel) and whil e the ice is rapidly melting in the Northern Hemisphere, it is gaining momentum in the other Hemisphere. ... According to a research study done by the US climate scientists, the ocean temperatures heating up due to global warming threaten to leave a billion people high and dry despite the fact that ice caps are gradually melting† (Vastag). The onset of gloom geographical changes is directly related to the Earth’s rising temperature which can definitely be blamed on myriad human activities like agricultural and industrial revolution, trees removal, land-use change, and an increase in the poisonous gases in the atmosphere. Due to all these human activities, greenhouse warming results leading to â€Å"melting of the arctic icepack, snowfields, and glaciers, which causes a decrease in Earth’s albedo, therefore throwing off the balance of our climate† (Turk and Bensel 12). With the advancement in the satellite technology since 1979 the data obtained to date reveals that over the past 30-33 years in the period from 1979 to 2012, the Arctic sea ice extent has been declin ing at a consistent rate. Though it remains true that a lot of ice growth was seen during the fall of 2011-12 across the Northern Hemisphere, the reality is that the increase reported in that ice extent was contributed by the new ice which both grows and melts faster than the old ice which stays longer and remains largely unaffected by the warming Earth temperatures (Daniel). In another report about the evolution of sea ice trends in August 2012 is this identified that the latest snow and ice data recorded on August 26 reveals the Arctic sea ice extent to fall below 4 million square kilometers. In the same report is it also mentioned that as a consequence of rapid loss of the reflective ice cover which plays a huge role in absorbing solar

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Affects of globalisation on children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Affects of globalisation on children - Essay Example For a child a happy home is the heaven on the earth. It turns to the saddest part of life when they are left as orphans on the street for no fault of theirs. Parents are no able provide essentialities whether physically or mentally through all the corners of the world as the world is a small global village.The surrounding environment to which the child gets exposed could mould their attitudes. And this can be highly influenced by globalisation through various options. Their communication levels, their capabilities, their positive traits and their negative qualities can be monitored, and rectified with all the security.If a child has a special diseases and needs some group of blood or bone marrow or any thing else or any serious health query it can be placed on the net and it is a global news within no time and there is more than 90% of chance that the problem could be solved. An organization for drought hit children has opened site on the net to collect relief funds through email and it successfully collected lot of funds. But all this is possible only to those who are rich. What about the poor families who cannot afford a computer or have enough knowledge to help themselves to come out of the problematic situations So the globalisation is justifying only the rich and catering their needs. Health is wealth and the proverb is but for those who don't have wealth may die for medicine when seriously ill. Also World Health Organisation conducts health check-up camps and often helps out the needy. One thing can be appreciated; these camps have eradicated to a great extent as much as 90% the Polio among children by giving Polio drops freely to all. Present dreadful disease Aids, which is affecting children, are experiencing a very secluded life. The health camp organizations are providing them dormitories but still a global awareness is needed to protect children falling prey to such diseases that are infectious. Those who don't opt for family planning are providing very poor quality of life for their unlimited children. Education Standards Poor standard may result in a poor talent of the youth. So the young generation needs a good standard of education for them to shine in the fields that they are interested. They are kept in good disciplined and are imbibed good habits, a good friends circle and a good social life. But too much long hours of dedication towards school and study hours can be cause for their stress and strain that they don't deserve. Financial Access Those whose have a special interest for child's development can go for loans and other sources and schemes which are specially meant for children's education and marriage in insurance companies and trusts etc. and also some government policies for girl child's education and marriage. Modern technology Children use computers for video games with lot of interest and enthusiasm. And recently World Games Authorities, which conducts competitions annually. They also use Internet and many electronic toys, which needs some intelligence. Children are also given computer education right from the school days. Ideal childhood This is the period have no care and anxiety. They must get something to eat, something to wear and something to enjoy. Child hood is the best part of any ones life. One is the monarch and every one fall at the beck and call. The lovely tricks of childhood, the innocence, the obedient attitude, the devotion for parents, elders and gurus all come from a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Input, Output and Storage Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Input, Output and Storage - Case Study Example In addition, the OS should make efficient management of resources for effective handling large volumes of data. Organizations cannot do without networks, which bring special software challenges. For instance, the OS on which servers run put varying load capacities on the memory. For optimal database functionality requiring many read/write processes, access and writing speeds weigh heavily in the decision for the OS. With regard to usability, Windows is arguably the easiest to use for many enterprise applications, particularly in comparison to Linux and Mac OS (FahAd, 2010). However, many malware threats plague the Windows system. Considering the necessity for flexibility, availability, cost of maintenance and upgrade, stability, performance, and backward compatibility, Ms Windows would be the most appropriate operating system for the organization. Linux unfamiliar for many users, and it numerous versions make its use more complicated. A printer can be installed in a number of ways. A local printer can be installed by simply plugging it into the computer, for instance through a USB port, which is called a local printer (Microsoft, 2012). Windows automatically detects an installs the printer which is then available for use. For network printers, the process is more complicated, usually requiring naming the printer and going through a setup process through the control panel. The process is simple and can add both wireless and Bluetooth printers. The appropriate printer for a certain operating system is largely a compatibility issue. Many printer suppliers and manufacturers supply information for compatibility of the printer with specific operating systems. In addition, many technology review magazines provide specific information on the best printer models for particular operating systems based on comprehensive tests and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Philosophy - Assignment Example For instance, the existence of computers is a result of the work of various people from different materials and expertise. In terms of necessity, computers are now needed because their creators imposed the need for them. In short, there is an originator to its necessity and existence. In relation to this, it can be proven that God exists because of the concept that nothing can exist without someone causing the necessity and creation of things that now exist. However, like St. Anselm’s proposition, this could face the problem of the requirement of scientific studies which demand tangible explanations. 3. The existence of evil is necessary as a tool to test one’s volition and faith in God. Although it does not necessarily mean that evil comes upon those who do evil, it is an important tool for God to measure the goodness of man. As J. L. Mackie explains, the biblical character Job was a righteous man but he experienced loses in terms of family, wealth and heath but it was necessary to determine if Job deserved to go to heaven or hell. Nevertheless, this argument can be faced with the problem of accusing God as unjust because that is what a man is called when he does evil to someone who has not done him any wrong. 4. Thomas Nagel believes that none of us can ever know what it is like to be a bat because we have different experiences from that of a bat. Even for instance, one metamorphoses to a bat, he could never tell how it is because he lacks the experience of being a bat from birth. The lack in experience makes the metamorphosed bat unable to fully understand how it is to be a bat. If Nagel is right, this would strengthen the philosophical idea that everything is physical. One may conceptualize a bat’s life but can never know how it is because of the lack of experience. 5. Monads, according to Leibniz, are simple substances which can make

Monday, July 22, 2019

Indigenous Tradition Essay Example for Free

Indigenous Tradition Essay In the past people have mistaken about their tradition Indigenous originality or occurring naturally (country, region etc) To be indigenous kinship (relation to one another) and location(connection of particular place) Indigenous religion beliefs, experience and practices concerning non-falsifiable realities of people who have kinship and location Syncretism: Syncretism merging of elements from different religions. Eg : north American tradition have been influenced by Christianity, some African rituals are influences by Islam. * Change occurs everywhere. * Traditions are less authentic (accurate) than thousands year ago Indigenous can be found anywhere: * Anishinaubae: drumming ceremony in Toronto * Yoruba: Funeral rites in London * Maori: Purification ritual in opera house Sydney Australia Misconceptions * Common to Indigenous traditions is colonialism * Oglala (Indigenous community) – a theorist explained them as â€Å"warriors without weapons basically they were incapable to adapting a new economy lifestyle they focused on how to make them â€Å"modern Indians† * Outsider lack insider knowledge. * Scholars often used terms such as fetish, myth, mana, taboo to explain Indigenous traditions. * Eg â€Å" Indigenous stories are called myth where the bible is considered to be true. Primitive Cultures that are unchanged from the beginning primitive Christians, who believed in god and their tradition, had superiority and began to spread their religion to who didn’t know about gospel Indigenous traditions are tend to think more primitive Due to non-literate * But writing to not better than oral speaking * Mayan did use writing * Most Indigenous people are very literate. Indigenous tradition are tend to think more primitive – consider everything to be sacred (untrue) * Eg : Navajo : ceremony that transforms normal house into a scared place. So everything such as eating, sleeping is considered to be sacred. * Australian aborigine knows where to pray(know the difference between sacred and non sacred mountains) Primitive term is now disagreeing by many scoloars Mohawk and Cree (Dr Clare Brant) Mohawk: Indigenous traditions who give more food to their guest to show their wealth. Cree: Indigenous tradition who eat all the food offered to show scarcity. These two traditions did not go well together and this shows that Indigenous traditions are different from each other. Another point is that we see other cultures according to our own cultures. Gender roles: * Male: hunting and warfare * Female: healing and food preparation * Maori carvers were men and weavers were women. Bunu men frow cotton and women turn it into clothes. * Sometimes the roles switch just like other traditions * Usually religions practices are different for men and woman too. Power of speech Oral speaking is very imp for Indigenous traditions things are passed down oraly. Many people think oral primitive (untrue). Both Quran and Bible was passed down orally before written into text Stories : After life : * Kewa: a man finds a tunnel where his dead people wre living together and they gave them many things and asks him not to speak of it. When he goes and tell everyone about the tunnel, he breaks the promise and when he returns the tunnel is gone. * Anishinaubae : young man fiance died, and he go on a journey to find her and when he found her , he returns home heartbroken, keeping his promise. * These stories tell us about importance of relationships tell us about how we should live than about dying Writing stores often â€Å"fixed in time†. Trickster: * Considered as â€Å"culture heroes† because they are the central figures in many stores * Usually shape shift usually into animals * Can change genders sometime biological and sometime just clothes changing * Outer form is reflected into infidelity * They can appear as fools, selfish, kind, scandalous etc. * Usually driven by self interest alone * Trickster stores show us how we should behave and how we should not * The stories often explain the origins of world and connect to a community more deeply. * Embodies the extremes of humanity: human weakness and strength Practice (rituals). Indigenous tradition rituals are very similar to our traditions * Rituals remind us on what is imp in our life. * In religious terms, rituals, communicate some ways with gods, ancestor and spirits. * Rituals are roots in the human needs and relationship Rituals : * Every rituals varies * Usually involves food Muslim and Jews have specific food eating habits * Many Buddhist set food portions aside for ancestors * Anishinaubae put small amount of food for the spirits * Some rituals are more complicated * Such as marriage, death, birth * Sometimes these rituals mark transformation and sometimes they help to bring the transformation about. * Indigenous tradition rituals serve in some ways to recreate some aspects of the world, order and life Journey: * Going on a journey/quest: rites of passage * Journey to a new place is where a transformation occurs. * The person returns home with physical change, such as tattoo, scar or a body part to symbolize their new self. * Pondos: moved into a special hut to become sacred healers- if they go into town before they must be covered in white * White usually symbolize the color of transformation in Africa * Anishinaubae vision quest – yong man travels far away from home only with water and be completely alone. Then late he become a â€Å"adult man† and comes home with food and the ritual is complete . Sacrifice Mel Gibson: sacrifices in Indigenous traditions are vey common Bear sacrifice: raise a young cub, and raise it for two day and kill it. Head is emptied and filled with flowers and then the animal is cooked and eaten. They think that the bear is the gold’s spirit and they see it as freeing the spirit. Sun dance : dance till days and community provide support. Some sun dance involves sacrifice . the pole and lodge are buil to show the creation of the world Nuer : sacrifice ox for healing. Xhosa : when a woman fall ill the community gathers and kill a cow and do many rituals. This is due their thinking that the ancestor or spirit is angry with the women. * above rituals shows the involvement of community even though there is sacrifice involved. * The rituals ultimately brings people together * Sacrifice like rituals create order and meaning * Those rituals join people to the past and respond to current situation Cultural Expression What you see is not always what you get Art in Indigenous traditions is aout relationship objects are coonected to people Weaving : * Intertwine and connect * Weavers work together , helping one another , passing knowledge. * Shows bonds among people Maori Tradition : * All weavers are female * A girl is said all about weaving more said more discouraged if people saw true commitment then they let the girl into whare pora(caretakers of the weaving) * Whare pora have rules no sex before dying, no food allowed during weaving, special garment should be weaved during the day and not strangets can view the weaving * Traditional colors : black, red and white * Sacred thread is sewed on all garments to show the bond Underlying cloth : * Clothing declare who we are and how we fit into social fabric * Has two side : can hide much as it reveals and help us create a public face * Lady gaga : he masks and clothes hide part of her but also reveals her identity that she wishes to show * Special clothes are associated with imp rituals * Bunu : believes that the special clothes are kind of womb, enveloping the body as like a fetus is being born. Clothing only wears it does not die old cloth is replaces by new, as old spirits is reborn Spirit basket : * Oldest arts * In pomo community men makes the heavy basket for hunting and fishing * Women were responsible for religious baskets. * Mable mckey : was a traditional healer in pomo community and famous basket weaver in the world. Masks : * Masks are used in imp rituals wedding , funerals, hunting celebration etc * Masks are ment to ring spirit into the community lesser deities (gods) * Mask represent certain animals does not mean they worship the animal * Epa mask in Yoruba community extremely heavy show the strength require to dance with the mask and enter the adult hood with responsibility. * Carvers are usualy male Totem poles : * Very specific to each communities * Function of totem poles also varies in each tradition. * Meaning varies serve as a supporting structure or grave makers and other as a symbol for power * Most also tell stories such as historical, achievements and religious * Grizzly bear at the base holding a human represents self-preservation or survival. Moko * Maori carvings are less likely to be displayed outside the original physical context * Moko tattoos * In the beginning the women were only allowed tattoos around their lips and chin where men can have tattoos all over their face * Moko story remind the Maori people their ancestor and importance of meeting ones obligation and treating one another with respect Ancestoral House. * Marae Maori religious and social home. Site of wedding , funeral, celebration. * Authority is held by community elders where they use the space to pass n traditions, stories and arts, carving, weaving. * If the artist when wrong painting the place, they could be put to death. * Location is very imp it must be located in a place where the previous generation carried out the religious and social activities. * Whare Whakairo physical form which represents the body of the ancestor * The building is divided into body parts of the ancestor Three points and Shrine : * Some traditions are very plain, harder for an outsider to see * Three issues : * Most rituals are performed outside * Think bout the function of religious structures that are used in the rituals * What you see is not often what you get * Mbari shrine : represents the founder of the community, a great healer and was forced to flee because they were attacked by another community. Elder stands her to protects the shrine all the time. * The guard signify the change modern development Hogans * Navajo Hogan traditional living space as well as the site for many rituals. * It is the site for daily activities and some are religious and some are not * Before new Hogan is occupied a song is performed. * Known as Blessing way ceremony four divining earth, mountain woman, water woman, corn woman also the song speaks everyday things * According to them world is structure – Hogan All these things symbolizes: * Link btw past and present * Btw community and place * Btw our world and world of spirits Colonialism * Colonialism process where people from one place maintain a settlement in another and to the effects of people who were already there. * Changes include – subjugation or removal , new laws, social practices and new economy. * Power and profit are factors that drive colonialism. * Religion is also one of the reason Colombus : * He destroyed a community Arawaks * He wanted to tell him where the gold was people who gave him gold were left alive and people who didn’t were killed(by cutting hands) * Then he realized that the most valuable are the people, so he sent them back to Europe by the boat land. Genocides : * 20 million African were taken as slave and only 11 million returned * 96% od aboriginals were dead in Australia * factors of depopulation : military action, torture, starvation, suicide and slavery. * More aboriginals are killed when the Americans want more land Masters of continent : * As settler population growed the indigenous population reduced less friendly for land * Terra nullius no ones land was the phrase that European settlers used no owner ship primitive – they do not count as people Conversion : * Many converted to different religion due to colonialism * In Indonesia indigenous tradition is not recognized by lay so all are counted as muslim Loss of religion : * Europeans tried to convert them into chistianity rarely worked * Europeans used military strengeth and religion â€Å"our people is tronger because our god is stronger â€Å" * Missionaries. * Also sometimes the colonial government made the indigenous religion illegal * Eg : potlatch and sundance was made illegal ? Die to the felf harm and economic hardship is potlatch(poverty) * Colonialism lead to patriarchy The potlatch : * Feast that are hosted by a family and hosting family presents the guests with gifts * Demonstrate hospitality and redistributing wealth. Loss of language : * Colonialism language disappeared forever * 20 languages extinct * when communities died, the languages died with them * children’s were forbidden to speak their own languages â€Å"Stolen generation† Loss of Land: * Many religious and indigenous land were taken and was destroyed * Two problems that non-indigenous people had: * Very common belief, no specific belief and are mostly about practice * Religion such as Christians can pray anywhere but indigenous people had to pray at a specific site Identity : (the sympols of indeginous people in sports) * Cleveland Indians play at Atlanta braves : it’s a reminder of ongoing colonialism that has been taken from the indigenous people. * Indigenous oriented names : â€Å"eskimo pie† to market the products evoke a primitive stereotype that is best suited for the product.

All humans should be treated with respect Essay Example for Free

All humans should be treated with respect Essay In examining the religious teachings about the values of human life using religious teachings it is easy to see that God thinks all human life equal regardless of race, gender or disability and encourages all his sheep (followers of his, who he regards not as servants but as friends) to do so as well. This is proven in 1st Corinthians 7 18- 20 where it is said, Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping Gods commands is what counts. Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them., the passage suggests that God cares not about the outward appearance or position of his followers but their obedience to his command, regardless of what life they have lived or what they were before, it also supports the fact that God was willing to take converts and so did not make distinctions between the human race or bear prejudice to those who were previously not his followers and had converted. The belief of equality for all of mankind is further supported by the bible which (Genesis 1:27) proclaims that all were made in the image of God and therefore bear a likeliness to him regardless of any differences we might show. This theory is known as imago dei and is one shared by the three Abrahamic religions it is thought that our likeliness to God means all human life should be treated with respect and dignity. (Matthew 5:43-38) Ye have heard it that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. This passage states that Christians should bear hate to no one even those who wish harm unto them and instead pray for them and still show love to them regardless suggesting that Christians should have compassionate and fair attitudes towards all individuals. This belief of equality, understanding and acceptance no matter the past or social standing of the person is present in most other religions such as Islam, Judaism and Buddhism and now-days most religions are known to visit jails (where sinners lay) trying to convert the evil and lost (sinners)  so that they may repent and instead become children of God an example of important converts is Charles Colson who was part of the Watergate Seven, he was arrested and pleaded guilty to Watergate related charges and the obstruction of justice before being sentenced for 1-2 years in prison. While in prison Colson converted to Christianity and when released started Prison Fellowship a national ministry that helps prisoners to convert to Christianity, it is said that this program has helped prisoners live a better life and strengthen their spirit. Quakers a faction derived from Christianity believe there is that of God in everybody, meaning that no one is more important than anyone else as they are all made in Gods image by God, however even within this organisation people still have to take charge and allocate certain responsibilities to others meaning they become leaders and therefore more important that everyone else, suggestion that they are not equal to everyone else as they are worth more. There are two main Christian views on the truth of other religions; The exclusive view (mainly fundamentalists) who like Christians in the past believe all non-Christians are not doing what is right and therefore will be condemned to Hell unless converted. Fundamentalist try to convert others to Christianity through the means of evangelism etc. becoming missionaries. This is because of their literal interpretations of the bible, believing in John 3:18 which states, whoever does not believe in him (Jesus) stands condemned already, fundamentalists do not only just extend this view towards non-believers but also to Jews who do not believe in Jesus as the son of God citing John 14:6 in which Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except though me. This view contrasts with the Inclusive view where Christianity is believed to be superior to other religions (or bearing more truth) but doesnt require conversion only adhering to the right attitude to be saved from hell. While inclusive Christians might try forms of evangelism such as becoming missionaries, they are generally more understanding of others, this means many of them become involved with charities such as Tearfund or Christian Aid as a way to help others and also convince them (without words) that Christianity holds the truth and the right way. They use quotes like: There are many rooms in my Fathers house as a way of suggesting that  there are different ways to get to heaven and different paths one can take, as long as one follows the right way. It can be argued that inclusive Christians more than exclusive/fundamentalist really follow the teachings of the bible, they more than exclusive Christians can be argued to love thy neighbour and therefore treat others the way theyd like to be treated. The bible teaches that Jesus treated foreigners very well, he healed a roman centurions son and later had dinner with Zaccheus, a hated tax collector for the Romans, suggesting that he did exactly what he preached, loved the enemy and treated everyone well, this behaviour is also reflected in the parable of the good Samaritan where a man(a Jew) is robbed and lies naked, hurt and poor on the road a priest and leaders of other religions pass him by and ignore him, the only person who stops and helps him, even paying for his treatment is a Samaritan, people who were hated by Jews and who in turn hated them. This parable, not only shows foreigners in a good light but also promotes the teaching of loving thy enemy. In Galatians 3, the bible once again reinforces that God loves all of humanity unconditionally regardless of Gender or race, proclaiming There is no difference between Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. supporting Acts 10 in declaring that God does not favour a specific group of humanity or show favouritism but rather accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. Some critics however argue that these teachings are presented as only favouring those who believe in Christ and therefore making an outsider of those who do not fear him and do what God proclaims to be right and almost exempting them from the rules and teachings he lays down to his followers, presenting the argument of: does religion treat non-believers equally? The fact that there are many different sects of Christianity had led to many different views about the treatment of others, with the term others representing black, non-whole bodied'(disabled), homo sexuals etc. as well as extending to different cultures and religions not just non-believers. Walter Laqueur a man of Jewish faith, believes that sex is historically and culturally variable, with the modern idea of two separate sexes representing a shift away from the longer-established view that there is a single male  sex, of which the female is an inferior manifestation, he believes these developments have led to a society which believes that both men and women should occupy and negotiate a range of different positions within the world instead of living in a patriarchy where women do not have a main role in religion.This view is opposed by many other religions, Catholics for example believe that women can have a role in church, but cannot be priests because of the fact that Jesus was a man, and he chose all 12 of his disciples to be men. Catholics also interpret St Pauls teachings in Timothy 2 which suggest that women should have no authority over men as being correct, A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. Taking the view that Adam was formed first, then Eve and Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.. Some fundamentalist believe that men and women are equal before God but still have different roles in life meaning women shouldnt be offered equal opportunities in everything including religion claiming that the womens main job should be as a home-maker looking after the children not being in positions of leadership in the church. The Church of England however is against this interpretation and believes that women can be priests. They believe that we are all equal in Gods eyes, and also that Jesus had many women followers. Mary and others have been named in the Bible at significant points in Jesus life, and there are books in the Bible named after women. They use quotes such as: There is neither male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3 ) to support their reasoning. Some black theologians claim that religion has always been bias to the white man and therefore racist and oppressing to black people. They argue that this has created a divide between white God and black God. Only in 1985 did the Church of England announce the Church should make space for and include black Christians fully, this was almost a centuries after the freedom of Black people as slaves and many years after black liberation had occurred ( officially). However while many Christians like Pope John Paul, who condemned the fact that Christians had contributed to the slave trade, finally got Black people some equality some sects of Christianity such as the Southern Baptists in USA up until 1900, the Dutch Reformed Church in  South Africa until 1980 and many Christians in the 16th, 17th and 18th century believed that certain races were inferior and could be treated as either 2nd class citizens or slaves because of two Bible verses: Genesis 9:18-27 which states that the descendants of Noahs third son (Ham who is thought to be black by many Christians) will be cursed and be the slaves of his second son Japheth(thought to be white by many) and Ephesians 6:5 which states Slaves obey your masters -a verse that some Christians thought meant that it was fine to have inferior races and slaves. There is also the question of disability in religion with old-age Christians and Buddhism believing it was a punishment for evil deeds/sin (or bad karma in past lives). This viewpoint however has changed in recent times whereas being disabled was once viewed as being an imperfect version of an able bodied person, a description that suggests that disabled people are of less value than an able bodied person, recent views believe in Aristotle interpretation, that physical defects do not prevent a person from actualising their potential as a human being because the essence of being human does not rest on purely physical abilities a viewpoint which a charity called Larche founded by a Christian recognises. Aristotle point further illustrates a verse of the bible which proclaims that we are all born of sin, which supports that no one is perfect- were all flawed one way or another and therefore are in one way or another disabled. Islam is considered an egalitarian religion meaning one that is pro-equality. There is an argument made by several Muslim Women scholars such as Al-Hibri who argues that the situation of women globally is too complex and contradictory for one comprehensive critique, saying that in some nations: Muslim women experience horrendous forms of violence and oppression, often under the label of Islam whereas in another nation Muslim women may occupy positions of power in significant social and political institution also due to Islam. Many argue that whilst there are many practices contrary to womens rights which are done in the name of Islam, the reality is that there is no basis in Islam for them. Others make the important point that there are many factors at work which have allowed such oppressive practices to continue, such as the existence of patriarchal cultures that are often  confused with religious belief or the existence of authoritarian regimes that deny more than just womens claiming undemocratic regimes have denied human rights to their citizens, and attempted to lay the blame on the doorstep of religion suggesting that it is not religion that is unequal, but those who practise it. It can be argued that the term equality has different meanings in different situations you cant be equal to all people through one measure because everyone has different conditions that must be met etc. you cant feed a Muslim the same way youd choose a Hindu, you couldnt offer a Muslim a pig as it would cause trouble due to the offer being interpreted as an insult, this however doesnt mean you cant treat persons of both religion the same; with kindness and compassion regardless of their religion. This has led to many arguing that the solution is not just treating everyone equally (as equality suggests same treatment) but rather introducing tolerance and acceptance. They believe that conversion in religions isnt something that should occur forcefully but instead something that should be gently approached through the means of missionaries (in religions such as Jehovah witnesses and Mormons) for example. However some religions have a zero tolerance on those they consider outsiders, this include Zionism and its treatment of the Palestinians and some Jewish sects which refused to assimilate into the societies they lived in (Ashkenazic Jews), preferring to stay outsiders because they believe the Torah forbids mixing with gentiles due to their interpretation of Avoda Zara 36b which states You shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughter to his son and you shall not take his daughter for your son; for he will cause your child to turn away from Me and they will worship the gods of others. Many Christians (and some Jews) thoroughly disagree with this verse with Christians believing it is directed ad them and painting them as immoral idolaters and some Jews believing the passage to contradicting (with the rest of the Torah) and too brief to be fully understood. This raises the argument among theologians that the bible and other holy books are too contradicting, confusing and sometimes too lacking of Context to be fully interpreted and rather, the teachings should not be taken at face value but rather, used to regulate but not to set iron cast laws .   However there are many contradicting verses in the bible which suggest otherwise.   Islam states: O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with God is the most pious.Verily, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (49:13) about the difference within human beings, suggesting that they are deliberate and diversity is Gods gift to humankind.   Judaism, Christianity and Islam   The founder of Quakers, George Fox but instead of seeking primarily to convert, the upmost goal is to establish the principles of Christianity in others lives etc. love, humility and compassion.   And the Quran which states: I shall not lose sight of the labour of any of you who labours in My way, be it man or woman; each of you is equal to the other (3:195)   The Quran states For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Gods praise,- for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward. (33:35) suggesting that everyone, not just Muslim men and women will get the reward as long as they are humble and adhere to Muslim practises even if they do not adopt the religion   The most beloved and respected historical Christian thinkers and theologicans are amongst those who believe the role of women in religion should be subdued with John Crysostom considering the female sex as weak  and fickle ,Augustine claims Satans reasoning for deceiving Eve was because he was making his assault upon the weaker part of that human alliance eand Epiphanius declaring that the female sex is easily mistaken, fallible, and poor in intelligence even Martin Luther King supports this argument stating it was not Adam who went astray 265).  an idea that men systematically dominate, oppress and exploit women I many believe that a patriachical state doesnt and didnt ever exist and instead we have just been living in a world dominated by a complex set of differences; ethnic, racial, gendered, class hierarchy and not just gender.   In this generation, although there are many verses in the bible to suggest that women should have and did have a very important and immensely valuable role in founding and shaping Christianity.   For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man†¦In the Lord,  however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God (New International Version, 1 Corinthians 11:1-3;8-9;11-12).   1 Corinthians 14 says, Women should remain silent in churches which many interpret as saying- women shouldnt be in positions of leadership in the church.   Proverbs 31 implies the place of a woman is at home She watches over the affairs of her household   But women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety(New International Version, 1 Timothy 2:11-15).   This is known as Christian egalitarian. The opposing view is Complementarianism.   Although, when the decision was made to allow Women into the church in 1992, many people left the Church of England as a result and converted to Catholics. This shows that there still isnt equality in Religions such as Christianity as while some may be for the inclusion of women, the one who arent may simply join a different fraction and practise their anti-feminist in religion perspectives there. This supports the view that freedom in religion is in conflict with notions of gender equality.   A prominent Muslim mother to an autistic child once wrote to a follower who also had an autistic child As with typically-developing children, every special-needs child has his or her own personality, temperament, strengths, and abilities. Every child has his or her God-given potential. This is from the mercy of Allah and one of the signs of His strength that He created such diversity among human beings. We should rejoice in the creative power of Allah and accept His qadr, or decree, for us. I believe that Allah created disabilities so those of us who are able-bodied would not become complacent and ungrateful. Taking care of a child with a disability brings out the best and most compassionate in all of us. So many of the things that parents of typically-developing children take for granted, we have to fight and struggle for. I think this helps us draw closer to the All-Merciful, the Forbearant, and the Loving. This supports the view that all human life is sacred and must be treated with the rights given to it in the Sharia and that no one has the right to take the life of another except according to Gods command. It also gives way to an argument that could claim moral worth of a person does not depend on birth, gender, race or wealth or whether or not a person is disabled. Class background, as well as the degree and severity of impairment, ethnicity, sex, sexuality and age can exacerbate or modify the experience of disability (Vernon, 1999:394) Many may argue that this isnt a religion; however most agree that it is a branch of Judaism if a very distant branch. Different from Sephardim (who chose to assimilate into the nations they moved to and Mizrahi Jews who also assimilated into the nations they found themselves in.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Organisational Commitment Study Research Methodology

Organisational Commitment Study Research Methodology Table of Contents (Jump to) Research Methodology Introduction Research Design Sample Population Sample Selection Sample Size Procedures Measuring Instrument Gathering of Data Organisational Commitment Job Satisfaction Job Descriptive Index and Job in General Stress in General Human Resource Management Practices (HRM) Trust in Management Turnover Intention Turnover Statistical Methods Summary Results Conclusion Research Methodology Introduction This chapter addresses the research methodology used in the study of Organisational Commitment, its’ antecedents and consequences as described in the first chapter. The first section of this chapter after the introduction presents the research design. Sample and population are presented in the second section. The third section looks at measuring instrumentation, reliability, validity and scoring techniques. The third section looks at data gathering procedures. The fourth section describes methods for statistical analysis. The last section summarises this chapter. Research Design This study used a relational research design to determine the relationship between antecedents and consequences of organisational commitment. Research into organisational commitment is largely dependent on the perceptions of employees and employers. Perceptions are generally acquired through subjective self-reports or opinion. A design based on surveys is therefore appropriate. Relational surveys empirically examine the relationships between two or more variables, constructs, and/or factors. Descriptive surveys are primarily used to provide personal and demographic information. Correlation studies are used to: measure relationships; check consistency of those relationships; and to make predictions. This allows the researcher to test hypotheses by confirming or refuting their predictions which is consistent with Grounded Theory and the formation of theoretical frameworks. It follows that predictive validity is most often achieved by statistical methods such as correlation and regressi on (Saunders et al, 2009). Sample Population The population of the study is all past and present employees of company X. Sample Selection Given that this company is a small specialised Information Technology consulting company with a small population (n = 25) all employees were approached to participate. Electronic survey links were sent to the entire population and 100% response rate was achieved where all of the respondents completed all of the surveys. Sample Size Sample size determines statistical significance in a relationship. The central limit theory dictates that the larger the absolute size of the sample the closer the more likely it is to have a normal distribution. It has also been shown that the minimum sample size of 30 will produce a normal distribution or near normal distribution (Stutely, 2003). DeVaus (2002) provides this formula to calculate minimum sample size: Where: is the minimum sample size required is the proportion belonging to the specified category is the proportion not belonging to the specified category is the z value corresponding to the level of confidence required (see Table A2.1) is the margin of error required Table 1 Confidence Levels and associated z values This formula is used for small populations: Where: is the adjusted minimum sample size is the minimum sample size (as calculated above) is the total population Saunders et al. (2009) advise that, in cases where the population is less than thirty, data should be collected from the entire population. There are limitations associated with minimum size. In particular the margin of error cannot be smaller than the reciprocal of the population. It follows that in order to achieve a 5% margin of error the minimum sample size required is calculated thus: where is the sample size Applying the DeVaus (2002) formulae to the sample in this study requires the whole population if a confidence interval of 95% and 5% error is to be achieved. Procedures The researcher requested permission from the Managing Director of the organisation to conduct interviews and circulate surveys among the employees. In addition permission was granted to access human resource management records and employer/employee correspondence where legal, relevant and appropriate to the study. The researcher is an employee of the organisation with free access to the employees which facilitated the ease of data gathering and clarification where necessary. Most of the group are in possession of post graduate degrees and a number have a Masters level qualification which further facilitated the process as the group all have a deep understanding and appreciation for the process. An employee meeting was called in the presence of the Managing Director where it was explained that the participation in the study was optional or voluntary, anonymous, and that the information would be treated confidentially. In order to avoid any peer group pressure, no discussion was entertained in the group information session and employees were invited to discuss any interest or concerns directly with the researcher in private. It is interesting to note that all employees wanted to participate and most had no desire to remain anonymous inviting the researcher to discuss any aspect of their responses with them. Three approaches were used during the gathering of data: Online Surveys; Interviews; and Analysis of Human Resource records and employee correspondence. Surveys are a popular, economical and convenient way to collect standardised data which facilitate easy comparisons (Saunders et al., 2009). Unstructured interviews were conducted to: determine aspects of the organisations’ Human Resource Management practices; determine reasons for Turnover with ex-employees where exit interviews or detailed resignation explanations were not available or unclear; determine impressions of Turnover survivors for perceptions about Turnover reasons. Human Resource records were used to determine biographical data such as: pay grade; age; tenure; absenteeism; education; and vacation habits Turnover reasons were collected from exit interviews and employee correspondence. Measuring Instrument This study aims to determine the relationship between Stress, Turnover, Turnover Intention, Organisational Commitment, HRM practices and Job Satisfaction. The following instruments were used in surveys to measure the variables: Organisational Commitment: Allen and Meyer (1990) Job Satisfaction: Brodke et al.’s (2009) Revised Job Descriptive Index (JDI) questionnaire based on the original of Smith et al. (1969) Job Stress: Stress in General (SIG) questionnaire of Brodke et al. (2009) Management Trust: Trust in Management (TIM) Brodke et al. (2009) Turnover Intention: three point questionnaire baed on Sjà ¶berg and Sverke (2000) Gathering of Data The online surveys were created in Google Forms using the organisations’ internal infrastructure which is hosted on Google Apps. Google Forms is part of the Google Apps suite and facilitates the creation, distribution, and collation of survey data electronically. The surveys were distributed from the facility in Google Forms by way of a link in an email. The anonymous survey responses are automatically collected and stored on Google Drive where the information is made available in a tabular format (Microsoft Excel). Organisational Commitment Organisational Commitment was measured using the Organisational Commitment Scales (OCS) developed by Meyer and Allen (1997). The reliability of the OCS has been demonstrated in numerous studies over the last two decades. The reliability of each of the scales can be seen through Cronbach’s alpha of: between 0.77 and 0.88 for affective commitment; 0.65 and 0.86 for normative commitment; and 0.69 and 0.84 for continuance commitment (Fields, 2002). The OCS is comprised of 22 items measured on a 7 point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Job Satisfaction The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) was painstakingly developed by Smith, Kendall, and Hulin and published in their book, Satisfaction in Work and Retirement (1969). Patricia Cain Smith (1917-2007) relocated from Cornell to Bowling Green State University in the mid-1960s bringing the JDI Research Group with her. The group has operated since 1959 with different members and is one of the longest running research groups in the field. They make their family of scales available free of charge to researchers. The scales include: the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) including the Job in General (JIG); Stress in General (SIG); and Trust in Management (TIM). These scales consist of phrases and adjectives that describe facets of the job or the job overall. Participants select â€Å"Yes†, â€Å"No† or â€Å"?† in response to each word or phrase. â€Å"Yes† means the word or phrase describes the job. â€Å"No† means the word or phrase does not describe the job. â€Å"?† means that the respondent is unsure or cannot decide. The scales are scored 3, 0, 1.5 for â€Å"Yes†, â€Å"No†, and â€Å"?† respectively. The 2009 revision of the JDI, JIG, SIG and TIM are utilised in this study. Job Descriptive Index and Job in General The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and Job in General (JIG) are self-report measures of job satisfaction. The JDI measures satisfaction with five facets of the job: attitudes towards co-workers, the work itself, promotion opportunities, remuneration and supervision. The JIG scale measures overall satisfaction with the job (Brodke et al., 2009). There have been two major updates to the JDI since it was introduced by Smith, Kendall, and Hulin in 1969. The first update was made in 1985 (Smith et al., 1987) and the second was made in 1997 (Kihm, Smith, Irwin, 1997). The JDI Research Group (Bowling Green State University, OH, USA) then updated the JDI family of scales in 2009. Table 2 Correlations among the JDI facets (Brodke et al., 2009)* lists correlations among the JDI scales which demonstrates that each of the JDI facets and the JIG measures a distinct aspect of job satisfaction and no facet correlates higher than 0.50 with any other facet. Cronbach coefficients above 0.80 or higher are considered to have high levels of reliability. Table 2 Correlations among the JDI facets (Brodke et al., 2009)* Table 3 Validity Coefficients Pearson Correlations (Brodke et al., 2009) shows the correlations of the JDI facets with SIG and the single item measure of Overall Job Satisfaction: â€Å"Considering everything, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with your job?† rated on a five point scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). Brodke et al. (2009) have shown that the JIG scale is a good predictor of Turnover Intention. Table 3 Validity Coefficients Pearson Correlations (Brodke et al., 2009)* Stress in General The relationships between workplace stress and negative personal and organisational outcomes are well documented. Stressors and Strains are important concepts related to stress. Stressors precede the experience of stress and strains are the outcomes of the stress experience. The SIG is a measure of the experience of work stress, which emerges between the initial existence of work stressors and the resulting physical and psychological strains (Brodke et al. 2009). This is the stress that is experienced as a result of work stressors prior to the acknowledgement of the strain. The SIG is thus a good measure of Job Dissatisfaction and predictor of Turnover Intentions. The 2009 revision used in this study is based on the SIG scale developed by Stanton et al. (2001). Brodke et al. (2009) showed that this SIG scale shows a reliability coefficient of 0.79. Furthermore the scale correlates positively and significantly with the Faces stress measure (r = 0.54, p Human Resource Management Practices (HRM) The Managing Director and a team manager were interviewed about all aspects of their interaction from recruitment to exit. Marketing material was collected and analysed. The JDI facets that measures Opportunities for Promotion and Supervision are also used in assessing perceptions of HRM practices. Trust in Management Trust in Management (TIM) self-report survey consists of twelve phrases and adjectives describing characteristics of senior management or executives. Participants select â€Å"Yes†, â€Å"No† or â€Å"?† in response to each word or phrase. â€Å"Yes† means the word or phrase describes the manager or executive. â€Å"No† means the word or phrase does not describe the manager or executive. â€Å"?† means that the respondent is unsure or cannot decide. The scales are scored 3, 0, 1.5 for â€Å"Yes†, â€Å"No†, and â€Å"?† respectively. The TIM is considered a single scale and is composed of four dimensions: Ability, Benevolence, Consistency, and Integrity. Table 4 Cronbach’s alphas and correlations among the TIM summary scores and the TIM dimensions (Brodke et al., 2009) shows how the dimensions of the TIM scale are correlated. Table 4 Cronbach’s alphas and correlations among the TIM summary scores and the TIM dimensions (Brodke et al., 2009)* Table 5 Validity Coefficients with Selected Outcome Measures Pearson Correlations (Brodke et al., 2009) shows the Pearson correlations with JDI facets. Brodke et al. (2009) contend that the TIM dimensions are distinct although highly correlated. Table 5 Validity Coefficients with Selected Outcome Measures Pearson Correlations (Brodke et al., 2009)* Turnover Intention This study makes use of Sjà ¶berg and Sverke’s (2000) three item Turnover Intention scale which measures the strength of the respondent’s intention to leave their current job. The scale is scored from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). A high score indicates a higher degree of Turnover Intention. Nà ¤swall et al. (2006) showed the Cronbach alpha coefficients for this scale to lie between 0,76 and 0,87. Turnover Actual turnover information is derived from Human Resource records including ex-employee correspondence in the form of letters of resignation. Statistical Methods Data analysis was conducted using an installation of the statistical programming language â€Å"R† through the web based front-end â€Å"R-Studio† on a virtual Amazon Web Services Machine Image (R version 3.0.1, Nickname Good Sport, 2013-05-16). R is a GNU project which is free under the GNU General Public License. The researcher considered the following tests given the nature of the study: Descriptive Statistics are used to describe the location, shape, and dispersion of the sample data collected Inferential Statistics to calculate the strength and direction of the relationships between the research variables Regression tests were used to examine cause-effect relationships between the research variables Summary Data was primarily derived from the perceptions and experiences of employees. Statistical analysis was performed on the data in order to yield empirical evidence and to gain an understanding of the inter relationships between the antecedents and consequences of Organisational Commitment. Online surveys were conducted using various scales. Secondary data were collected from sources such as informal interviews and company HR records and policies. Data analyses are based on quantitative methods through a statistical analysis in order to answer the research questions posed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Louis Riel Essay -- essays research papers

On October 23, 1844, in Red River Manitoba, Louis Riel Sr and Julie Lagimodiere, devout Christians, brought a young Mà ©tis boy into the world. Little did they know, Louis Riel Jr. would grow up to become known to many as â€Å"the founder of Manitoba.† His life was filled with excitement, both political and personal. The question is, were his actions against the government acts of honor and truth, or deception and lies?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Riel Jr.’s political adventures did not begin until he was 25. On November 23, 1869, Riel proposed the formation of a provincial government to replace the Council of Assiniboia because he did not believe that they were not doing their jobs well enough to improve the dull life in Red River. On December 10th his flag flew on the pole at Fort Gary. Riel held a convention of twenty French and twenty English Canadians to draw up a new list of rights. The convention sat a week and finished on February 10th. Riel soon formed another provincial government that was more represented than the last. Three delegates were chosen from the provincial government to present the list of formed rights to the Canadian government: Father Noà «l Ritchot, Judge Black and Alfred Scott . On March 24th, the three delegates left for Ottawa to negotiate entry into Confederation and discuss the list of rights. Finally on May 12th, 1870, the list of rights, now known as the â€Å"Manit oba Act† , was passed by Canadian parliament. One section protected Mà ©tis lands, guaranteed the right to their religion, and the use of their language in the legislature and courts, but it seemed not enough. December 16th 1884, Riel dispatched a petition to Ottawa demanding that settlers be given title to the lands they occupied, that the districts of Saskatchewan, Alberta and Assiniboia be granted provincial status, that laws be passed to encourage nomadic Indians and Mà ©tis to settle on the lands and that they be better treated. On February 11th, 1885, the government answered the petition by promising to appoint a commissioner to investigate the Mà ©tis claims and titles. First, a lengthy census would be taken of the Mà ©tis. Riel, since little had been accomplished, questioned his own leadership qualities. The Mà ©tis reaffirmed their vision of Riel as a leader and asked him to continue as their leader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not long after these issues were tabled, a ... ...nment feared him? Whatever the reason, it was wrong. No man can be exiled without a clear, good reason , says the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This Charter was established in 1872. Long before the trial. Riel’s exile is one of the main reason Riel was viewed as a traitor: not good enough for Canada. It appears that Riel’s treacherous deeds were merely a myth, brought upon by the government to stir fear in the heart of Riel followers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So to answer the question of â€Å"truth or treason?† I say truth. Riel began his own provincial government, improving it as time went on; even in a weak moment of question, his people supported him. When battle and political issues drove him from his home, he did it with grace; yet, when he returned he spoke eloquently on the subject. Even during his trial, he spoke with all the dignity and honor of a gentleman and a hero. His death was for his people. If that does not prove his honor, I do not know what does. Riel’s life and troubles have taught us much. In the future, we must not allow the government to control whom we believe in. We cannot allow another honorable person to die because he or she are seen as a threat.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Past, Present, And Future Of Computers :: essays research papers

Past, Present, and Future of Computers Imagine being able to do almost anything right from your own living room. You could order a pizza, watch cartoons, or play video games with people from around the entire world. All are possible today with your computer. The beginnings of the computer started off in a rather unique way. It was first used to produce intricate designs with silk, a task far to long a tedious for a human to do constantly. It's really unbelievable how the computers changed from that to what they are now. Today, computers are completely astounding. The possibilities are endless. Who knows where they will take us in the years ahead. The computer is the most influential piece of equipment that has ever been invented. The begginings of the computer are actually kind of strange. It started in the 1800's when a man named Charles Babbage wanted to make a calculating machine. He created a machine that would calculate logarithms on a system of constant difference and record the results on a metal plate. The machine was aptly named the Difference Engine. Within ten years, the Analytical Engine was produced. This machine could perform several tasks. These tasks would be givin to the machine and could figure out values of almost any algebraic equation. Soon, a silk weaver wanted to make very intricate designs. The designs were stored on punch-cards which could be fed into the loom in order to produce the designs requested. This is an odd beginning for the most powerful invention in the world. In the 1930's, a man named Konrad Zuse started to make his own type of computer. Out of his works, he made several good advances in the world of computing. First, he developed the binary coding system. This was a base two system which allowed computers to read information with either a 1 or a 0. This is the same as an on or and off. The on or off functions could be created through switches. These switches were utilized with vacuum tubes. The functions could then be relayed as fast as electrons jumping between plates. This was all during the time of the Second World War and further advancements were made in the area of cryptology. Computer advancements were needed in order for the Allied Coding Center in London to decode encrypted Nazi messages. Speed was of the essence, so scientists developed the first fully valve driven computer. Before this, computers only had a number of valves, none were fully driven by them because of the complexity and difficulty of producing it. Past, Present, And Future Of Computers :: essays research papers Past, Present, and Future of Computers Imagine being able to do almost anything right from your own living room. You could order a pizza, watch cartoons, or play video games with people from around the entire world. All are possible today with your computer. The beginnings of the computer started off in a rather unique way. It was first used to produce intricate designs with silk, a task far to long a tedious for a human to do constantly. It's really unbelievable how the computers changed from that to what they are now. Today, computers are completely astounding. The possibilities are endless. Who knows where they will take us in the years ahead. The computer is the most influential piece of equipment that has ever been invented. The begginings of the computer are actually kind of strange. It started in the 1800's when a man named Charles Babbage wanted to make a calculating machine. He created a machine that would calculate logarithms on a system of constant difference and record the results on a metal plate. The machine was aptly named the Difference Engine. Within ten years, the Analytical Engine was produced. This machine could perform several tasks. These tasks would be givin to the machine and could figure out values of almost any algebraic equation. Soon, a silk weaver wanted to make very intricate designs. The designs were stored on punch-cards which could be fed into the loom in order to produce the designs requested. This is an odd beginning for the most powerful invention in the world. In the 1930's, a man named Konrad Zuse started to make his own type of computer. Out of his works, he made several good advances in the world of computing. First, he developed the binary coding system. This was a base two system which allowed computers to read information with either a 1 or a 0. This is the same as an on or and off. The on or off functions could be created through switches. These switches were utilized with vacuum tubes. The functions could then be relayed as fast as electrons jumping between plates. This was all during the time of the Second World War and further advancements were made in the area of cryptology. Computer advancements were needed in order for the Allied Coding Center in London to decode encrypted Nazi messages. Speed was of the essence, so scientists developed the first fully valve driven computer. Before this, computers only had a number of valves, none were fully driven by them because of the complexity and difficulty of producing it.

Finding My Way Home :: Personal Narrative Religion Christianity Essays

Finding My Way Home I was the king and master of my domain, and all that I saw was good. When I decided to write new chapters in my life in the world of College Academia, I entered a realm that was anything but familiar to me. Constant battles and trials raging day and night for each month of my freshman year became known as Hades’ Gauntlet. The first challenge I faced was dealing with the seeds of conspiracy and betrayal. I was the leader in my church’s youth group for a few years, where I led my â€Å"friends† into a positive direction of peace and prosperity. Around the same time I started my college journeys, I was at my finest hour. I saw success, happiness, and admiration of many people around me. But what I didn’t see was the hidden jealousy and hatred a few people had towards me and storms over the horizon. I found myself in a dispute with a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and because his significant other at the time is the daughter of the head of the youth group, he decided it was best to banish me from the youth group and strip away my duties and sources of accomplishment and hope. He then handed over my reigns to his daughter, who treated me as harshly as the executioner to the prisoner. To add to it, he persuaded the Senior Pastor to prevent me from being in any leadership positi ons, in an effort to encourage/force me to leave the church completely. He also did this, because he, for some reason, resented my father, who decided to leave my church one month before I started my college life. What did I do to deserve this? Suddenly, the skies turned black, and this was a direct reflection of the pain I experienced. A perfectly good ministry turned into the vulture’s nest, then into a mockery of what was true and what was right. I felt that every time I walked into the same church I’ve been in my whole life, I now entered enemy lines. Each second the vipers gazed their eyes upon me, I could feel their venomous strikes invading my heart, filling it with poison. I was no longer home, and my church became a prison to me, where I was fed to the mob and the Triad of Traitors.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Myanmar’s Government

There are several initiatives that I would like to take after the completion of my studies. The Myanmar's government has a five-year National Education Sector plan for 2016-2021 which plans a transformational agenda, priorities and approaches to education reform, including higher education. These proposals in transformation of Myanmar's education system will bring various of significant demands upon, struggles, leaders in schools, universities and ministry official. First, to make positive change, there is a high demand for good leaders and good policy makers. These changes also require management, planning, inclusive curriculum development along with institutional strategy, and inclusive policy formulation. In addition, teachers and staff in schools and universities require skills on teaching and research, while managers need provision with leading and managing change, motivational skills, and effective decision making. I am confident to contribute my knowledge and experience to positive changes as good teacher, researcher, and manager at education institutions especially in ethnic minority areas. Secondly, with a master degree from Monash University would give me opportunities to join various non – government organizations in the education field. I understood that many poor and children in remote areas in Myanmar are not receiving good education. Thus, my vision is to create chances for individuals to access a good and quality education. In doing so, I am keen to work with education department and other national level organizations addressing better education policy changes that would have positive impact at the grassroot level as good policy is key for educational reform and development. To make this happen, I would join for instance, National Network for Education Reform as I want to provide inputs, knowledge and discussions for policy change at regional and national levels especially for the minority groups. Lastly, with all the knowledge and practical skills that I would from Australia, I hope that I can work for non- government organizations in ethnic minority area especially in Chin State, where I have a chance to mobilize the Chin community and religious leaders to better address education system for the Chin as part of the decentralization process that can inform the wider national level educational policy especially for the ethnic minority groups in Myanmar.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

FedEx Process Strategy

FedExis the wind global provider of supply grasp management services to corporate customers It maintains a fleet of more than 665 aircraft and more than 41,000 force vehicles and trailers. To complement the express delivery business, FedEx constitute provides small-package ground delivery in northbound America, and less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier FedEx Freight attractors larger embarkments. FedEx touch line of descents offer a course of document- tie in and other business services and serve as retail hubs for other FedEx units. Hoover, n. d. ) I impart discuss the movement strategies I count on FedEx is using in its business performances as well as the fixture of the companys home plate and the benefits to macrocosm located there. In reviewing the quartette grammatical cases of process strategies it seems that FedEx uses a combination of all four strategies. Firstly, in looking at the wait on Focus, since FedEx provides a variety of assorted services, their fac ilities seems to unquestionably be organized around the opposite services that FedEx provides.The FedEx office stores are non setup to receive bulk or large payload mail interchangeable a FedEx hub. The offices stores are setup same a retail store since the mass of the business would come from providing document related and other business services. Each offices store is also setup as a retail hub for other FedEx units. FedEx Freight haul hubs are setup and designed to ship and receive larger shipments and would pee a warehouse look rather than retail store look. The product f scummy would neuter in amounts each solar day as well as during dissimilar quantify during the day.Looking at the Repetitive Focus strategy, FedEx hubs would by all odds gather in an assembly line type machine involve which would typically watch items being shipped and received and then shine them to different areas of the hubs to be shipped out to different mends. In the Product Focus, FedEx w ould have elevated volumes of items being shipped and received, but low variety of the types of items being shipped. I say low variety because I would classify what FedEx receives and ships as letter mail, box mail, large freight items etc.The letters, boxes and freight items may have a variety of sizes, but I am looking at the basic classification. workings for FedEx would not require a hatful of skilled labor, being that one solitary(prenominal) needs to learn what part of the operation they are doing, which they then would be doing repetitively. With the different types of items being shipped through FedEx and the different countries these items may have to be shipped to or from, few Mass Customization has to be employed.Some items require specific shipping precautions, some customer necessitate certain shipping options, and some countries have different shipping standards. Shipping mustiness be customized for the customer, the items being shipped and the country of int roduction and destination. In making his dream a reality, Frederick W. Smith the founder of FedEx selected Memphis as his hub it was centrally located and despite inclement wear its modern airport rarely closed. (ASK, n. d. ascribable to the nature of this type of business, any metropolis with a major airport thats opened 24 hours a day would be sufficient. As stated above, because of Memphiss central location in the U. S. I would tend to agree to locate my headquarters in Memphis as well. I have discussed the types of process strategies I think FedEx uses in its business operations. I have identify the location of its headquarters, and the reason why this location was chosen as well as the locations benefit.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Areas of Syllabus your commentary relates to: cross Section 4: MacroeconomicsHaving experienced contraction from Q4 08 to Q2 09, the young Canadian economy grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2009, beating predicted forecasts. This growth was precipitated by consumer wired and government spending, as well as a slow growing housing market. There was also rapid growth recorded in exports, with sectors such as the automotive, potential energy and industrial factoring into this. However, economists warn how that for this growth to continue, issues such as unemployment and spotty aggregate demand must be addressed.It is an interesting science, even if it isnt an exact science.Fiscal policy generally concerns itself with creating conditions of full employment, price stability and real GDP growth. Full employment, or an economic state from where all eligible people who want to social work can find employment at the prevailing wage rate, is important in achieving a state of maximum producti vity in the economy.The direct current unemployment rate is 8.2%, above the generally accepted natural rate of unemployment.In clinical most instances, you might need to past compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics.

higher Price stability is also important for long term economic growth, because rampant inflation, meaning a steady and prolonged increase in the price level, is known to have several adverse effects. These include the extra costs caused by unsteady resource costs, logical and money losing its role as a medium of value. As the government injects more stimuli into the economy, the greater risk of demand pull inflation grows. Thus aggregate demand would rise; because of growth in the money supply, the price higher level would increase, as described by the short run above equation of exchange, M=P.Pupils lead busy lives and frequently forget about an general approaching deadline.Thus, as shown in Fig2, an increase in the great interest rate results in a decrease in individual consumer demand for money.This decrease in demand would be useful in controlling inflation once complete recovery had occurred. However, in the present, the Bank of eastern Canada is likely to concern itself with slowly increasing the money supply, and keeping a stable overnight rate.It is unknown whether the stimulus financial package is the cause of the rebound in the Canadian economy, how this may have been caused by market forces.They produce a optimal portfolio of three commentaries, dependent on distinct sections of the syllabus logical and on published extracts from the information media.

Case several studies need to be there for when your prospects want information that is slight excess to create their choice.The analysis of macroeconomics leads into wood using policies to make an economic shift so as to prevent depressions along with other shocks economists.Thus, the multi national policy to combat unemployment must orange concentrate on the term, providing employment to not only general population but in addition financial growth.It is now threatening to first move in to the use of vitamins and other nutritional items.

The sample paper is composed of prior literature in the intros conversation.Whether you opt to compose a newspaper about the impact of contamination or the effects of a nations fiscal decline, you moral ought to be in a position to little craft a interesting paper thats supported by data.Bear in mind deeds that the topic isnt as essential as is the strategy.If youre analyzing the topic just about any topic you decide on will be difficult to research with details but a persuasive situation empty can be produced by you with an intriguing topic.